Frequently asked questions about our answering services

Can I keep my phone number?

Absolutely! Simply forward your existing phone number to us whenever you would like us to answer your call.

What are your hours?

We answer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We are always here when you need us!

What will the receptionist say when she answers the phone?

Our staff will answer your calls with a customizable greeting designed to fit the needs of your business! Greetings typically include “Good Morning/Good Afternoon” or “Thank you for calling,” the name of your company, and are completely customizable to fit your business.

How do I receive my messages?

You may choose to have your messages emailed, faxed or texted to you, or a combination of the three. If you’ve opted to use a voicemail box, voicemail messages will be emailed to you in an attached .wav file.

What happens if I go over the minutes on my plan?

Additional minutes are simply prorated. You’re welcome to change your plan at any time!

I have more than one business; can they share an account?

Yes! Your companies can share an account and either be billed as 1 or receive separate bills.

Where do you provide service?

We provide service Nationwide across the United States.

Is there a long-term contract?

There is no long-term contract for our services. During the first 30 days, you may cancel at any time without notice. Thereafter, we require a 30 day notice of cancellation.

How can I get started? 

Simply complete the online service agreement to get your first 2 weeks FREE!               

A Messages Plus representative will call to welcome you, chat with you briefly, and get you up and running.

Reach Us

Get in touch and we’ll get back to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!


7 Elk Street
Lower Level
New York, NY 10007

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